Saturday, February 6, 2010


When I got back from my U.S. trip, I discovered that my crappy little pieces of paper with my name that were badly attached to my front door and my mailbox had been replaced by nice, standard plaques saying "J. RAMAKRISHNAN." This was supposed to happen shortly after I moved in, but it never did, and I never called the company in charge because from what I had understood, I would be charged for the name plate, and I figured why not let sleeping charges lie.

My two theories for this are that (a) the company finally put the name plates up, 1.5 years late, and I misunderstood that there was a charge, or (b) my downstairs neighbor, in an apology for having the fire department break my window, got me these plates during my absence and before her departure. Any other guesses?

1 comment:

Javier Moreno said...

You paid for the plates to the regie when your lease started. The company, who knows why, forgot to do it for 1.5 years. You should have contacted them before.