Friday, February 26, 2010

Dreaming in French

I had a dream in French a few nights ago. This was supposed to be a big achievement. Thing is, though, there are different kinds of dreams. There are those weird dreams in which nothing makes much sense and it's clear that your brain is inventing everything. And there are stress dreams in which you dream about a situation before it happens because you're stressing about it. In this case, I hadn't yet made an appointment to see the doctor about my non-improving knee, so I dreamt that I was seeing her, and that I was reproaching her for not telling me to put my knee in a brace. Unfortunately, I didn't know the word for brace (attelle), and I wasn't thinking of the word for wrap, so my brain substituted "accrocher" (to hang) for "wrapping." Not what I think people mean when they talk about "dreaming in French." Things were slightly better a night or two later when I dreamt of saying "tu" to someone and then correcting myself and saying "vous." At least that was some weird dream. But I'm still making obvious grammatical errors, even in my own world.

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