A l'attention de l'occupant qui a déposé ce lampadaire dans le hall:
Celui-ci voudra bien enlever le lampadaire dans les plus brefs délais.
Ni la cour ni le hall ni aucune des parties communes de l'immeuble ne peuvent être et ne doivent être considérées commes des décharges.
Nous nous permettons de rappeler que l'immeuble est doté d'un règlement de copropriété, qui a été remis à tous, locataires y compris, règlement qui interdit ce genre de pratique et que toute entorse à celui-ci constitue un délit. (Arrêt de la cour de cassation) dont la copropriété est légitimement en droit de demander la réparation en saisissant la justice au besoin.
Dans le cas où l'occupant indélicat ne s'exécutera pas nous serons donc contraints de saisir la juridiction compétente afin de faire rechercher le propriétaire, auteur du délit et de lui en demander réparation en appliquant le barème de sanction qui s'impose.
Pour mémoire, le non respect d'un règlement de copropriété par un locataire est un motif sérieux et valable d'expulsion immédiate d'un locataire et ce, sans qu'aucun recours ne puisse être opposé à cette décision. (Arrêt de la cour de cassation).Le Conseil syndical
Wow. Translation:
The lamp was still there on Friday. I don't think it's going anywhere.
Luckily, I did not throw out this lamp, nor could I have, since my apartment is pre-furnished, and I certainly didn't lug a lamp up to my apartment only to throw it out again. But again, wow. I kind of think that they think I did throw it out, since I don't know how many renters there are in this building, and that letter does seem pretty concerned about tenants, as opposed to owners.To the attention of the resident who deposited this lamp in the hall:
This person will please remove the lamp as soon as possible.
Neither the lobby nor the hall nor any of the common parts of the building can be and should be treated like dumpsters.
We would like to recall that the building has rules of joint ownership, which have been presented to all, tenants included, rules that prohibit this type of action, and that any infringement of this rule constitutes an offense (Ruling of the Supreme Court) for which the joint ownership is legitimately entitled to seek redress before the court if necessary.
If the offending resident does not do this, we will be therefore forced to take jurisdiction to find the owner, the offender, and to seek redress in the scale of punishment as needed.
For the record, failure to satisfy a joint ownership rule by a tenant is a serious issue and valid grounds for immediate expulsion of a tenant, without any recourse to this decision. (Ruling of the Supreme Court).The Building Council
The lamp was still there on Friday. I don't think it's going anywhere.
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