Thursday, November 13, 2008

or I could install a hidden camera

My building's bike shed doesn't really have room for all the bikes, although I've only ever noticed one other bike being absent from the shed -- the one in prime position, directly opposite the door. I've now left my bike in that spot twice, when it was vacant. Both times, the following morning I discovered that my bike had been moved to the back of the shed. It's locked to itself, so it's a pain to move it, but apparently someone really likes that spot. I'm considering locking it to the bike rack and seeing what happens. I don't want to antagonize my neighbors for no reason, and it's possible that I'm just unaware of some etiquette as regards bike spaces, but it seems like a douchey move to pick up someone else's bike and move it because you think you're entitled to the best spot (unless you are, in fact, so entitled). Also, locking it might lead to an awesome passive-aggressive note.

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